Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Place of Most Frequently Used for Masturbation

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Place of Most Frequently Used for Masturbation, Tempat Ini Paling Sering Dipakai untuk Masturbasi, A Safe Place for Masturbation, Tempat Aman untuk Masturbasi, Safe areas for Masturbation, Een veilige plek voor Masturbatie, Un lugar seguro para Masturbación, Ein sicherer Platz für Masturbation, Un luogo sicuro per Masturbazione
Place of Most Frequently Used for Masturbation - Although traces have been cleaned, disgust would still exist today are in a place that used to masturbate once suspected. Just to note, places to play masturbation is as follows.

A. In bed
Not very surprising indeed, most men and women masturbate alias independently satisfy the sexual desires in bed. As many as 63 percent of respondents claimed to be more comfortable doing in this place, because more freely adjust the position.

2. In the bathroom
The next location is also not very unique, even the most frequently used as a joke when someone starts to look horny. Not without reason that the person is
advised to go to the bathroom, because the fact that 33 percent of respondents would prefer to masturbate in this place because it can be all cleaned up.

3. In front of the computer
Choice of location for a new start masturbation strange in third place, namely at the computer. As many as 23 percent of respondents claimed to have chosen this location because it is more easily find the audio-visual stimuli, especially if the computer is connected to the Internet network that is not censored.

4. In the family room
The living room became the location of the fourth week to masturbate. As much as 9 percent of the respondents are the guts to do it in this place, even though claims like the course very risky sensations caught by others.

5. in the car
Masturbating in the car is also relatively infrequently chosen, only a small fraction that can be enjoyed. Only 1 percent are choosing places like this are not uncommon for masturbation, including the kitchen and the workplace.

I wonder what his interests, the results of this survey was released by a company of sex aids, Adam and Eve. Quoted from Yourtango, Wednesday (29/02/2012), a survey was conducted on 1,000 respondents-sex adult male and female.


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